Penelitian Survey dan Eksperimen


A.                Definition Survey research
Survey Research is the kind of research that collects information about the characteristics, actions, opinions of a representative group of respondents considered the population. research Survey is a study that takes a sample from a population and using questionnaires as the main data collection tool, typically by testing the hypothesis.
Research conducted in large and small population, but data from samples taken from the population. For example, research on the tendency of people choose national leaders. Survey used to collect information in the form of a large number of opinion on a particular topic or issue. There are three main characteristics of a survey that collected information from a large group of people to describe some aspect or particular characteristics, the information collected through the submission of both written and oral questions from a population, the information obtained from the sample, instead of the population. The purpose of survey research was to determine the general picture of the characteristics of the population. Survey research as well as a descriptive study, there are longitudinal and cross sectional.

B.                 Definition of experimental research
is an experimental research study implementation involves the intervention of researchers. Intervene (intervention) in question is manipulating variable at the initial stage empirically, and observe how a treatment affects the subject being studied, such as a person, group, other physical objects.
The trick is to compare one or more of the experimental group were treated with one or more of the comparison group who did not receive treatment.
Experimental research is research that seeks to influence specific variables other variables in strictly controlled conditions. Form of experimental research by Tuckman (1982) there are four types, namely pre-experimental, true experimental, factorial, and quasi-experimental. In contrast to Tuckman, Sukmadinata (2009) in his book states that an experimental research based on variations consist of pure experimental research (true experimental), quasi experiment (quasi-experimental), the experiment is weak (weak experimental) and single-subject experiments (single experimental subject).

Artikel :
Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 2010), pp. 31-45
Indonesia: A Vulnerable Country in the Face of Climate Change
Mariah Measey

This article reviews the causes of Indonesia’s high greenhouse gas releases, the impacts  climate change has on the country, and the effects of climate change. It shows that deforestation, forest fires and the degradation of peat land have been the main causes for  Indonesia being the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. It summarizes some of the main impacts climate change has in Indonesia, which include, but are not limited to: temperature increase, intense rainfall, sea level rise, and a threat to food security. It examines the effects climate change has on (i) Indonesia’s economy and poor  people, (ii) human health, and (iii) Indonesia’s environment and biodiversity.

Research carried out if the use of survey research is by spreading the questionnaire to the public about how the natural state of Indonesia which is felt by the citizens.

Experimental research carried out by comparing one or more of the experimental group were treated with one or more of the comparison group who did not receive treatment.
